Dataset Spotlight
Dataset Spotlight is a monthly feature in the NCCR AntiResist newsletter, Breaking Bact. Each month, the information is uploaded to this page as well, so that you can keep track of all the featured datasets.
November 2024
This month the Dataset Spotlight is highlighting the recent contributions to the catalog of pre-publication datasets by Clemens Rhiner and Laura Gerlach from the Drescher group.
Their datasets comprise proteomic and transcriptomic measurements and PhAST imaging data of E. coli, including UPEC strains. Check them out…

October 2024
We are back to microscopy for this month’s Dataset Spotlight, which highlights the recently published article from the Hierlemann and Jenal groups on a transwell-based microfluidic platform for imaging airway tissues.
Thank you to Amanzhol Kurmashev for depositing the microscopy data in the BioImage Archive, a FAIR-compliant public repository for all biological imaging data.

September 2024
This month’s Dataset Spotlight focuses on the genome sequence data for over 100 uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) clinical strains. These strains were collected at USB and sequenced by Cinzia Fino and Monica Ortelli from the Dehio group.

February 2024
Our February 2024 spotlight is on the 92 sequenced genomes » of Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical isolates, submitted to the Data Catalog by Pablo Manfredi. These datasets were entered into the catalog via the API.

March 2024
March 2024‘s Dataset Spotlight is shining in multi-channel fluorescence on the microscopy dataset “Imaging of a human bronchial organoid model during infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa” from the Jenal lab, submitted to the Data Catalog by Benoît Laventie.
The dataset consists of images collected from light microscopy, SEM and TEM underlying a publication currently under review. The raw image files (nearly 3 Tb of data!) have been deposited in the EMBL-EBI BioImage Archive, and the link to the public deposition will be available in the catalog entry once the article is published.

April 2024
The April 2024 Dataset Spotlight highlights the proteomics dataset “Proteome of PnorC reporter-sorted P. aeruginosa PAO1 cells” from the Basler lab, submitted by Alejandro Tejada Arranz.
Resources associated with the dataset include differential expression analysis and the LFQ analysis report from the Proteomics Core Facility at the Biozentrum.
We are already looking forward to the NCCR AntiResist retreat in May, where we will hold a dataset raffle drawing. Submit your dataset to the catalog by May 1 for a chance to win a prize!

June 2024
This month’s Dataset Spotlight is the first to feature previously published datasets from NCCR AntiResist projects. The Hiller Lab has published molecular structures of the E. coli BamA protein and BAM complex interacting with two different antibiotics: Darobactin (Nature, 2021) and Dynobactin A (Nature Microbiology, 2022). Each dataset includes links to the PDB structures and the related published articles. Check out these datasets and more at our Internal Data Catalog.
This is also a reminder that all datasets contributing to published articles must be deposited in open data repositories and reported to the SNSF as part of our annual process. If you have published research in the past year, please send your dataset submission information to the Research Data Officer for reporting.